Sunday, March 14, 2004

Power Run 2004

After completing KLIM 2004, the regular jogs became less time-orientated and more of a leisure. The push to run within the 80-minute qualifying mark was no longer a benchmark. Surprisingly, by running relaxingly, the endurance improved and it was less agonizing to maintain a continuous run.

Back in office, my colleague, CS dropped me a registration form to participate the Power Run on March 14. There was also the Hong Leong Charity Run originally scheduled on March 21. I was interested in the Charity Run. The Power Run was similar to the KLIM and participating one after another would be overdoing it (Just Do It....but Don't Over Do It?) according to my loved ones. I contemplated about it and finally decided to join both as another office colleague told me to "Just treat it like a normal Sunday jog".

So, it is back to "training" again but really I was merely following the exercise 4-times a week regime. I notice my running lacks power especially when approaching a hill. I practice running a little faster at the beginning rather than the opposite. This is to give myself a psychological edge that I was clocking faster times in the first few kilometers hence fooling the brain into believing that the body had actually adapted to a faster pace. Will it last? The Power (running with the theme?) Run is the test.

5:00 am again

Since it was the same run again, I did not encourage Mee Peng to accompany me to the Power Run but she opted to go (check out the guys??!!). Woke up at 5 am and by 6:45 am we were already at Dataran. The first thing I wanted to do was to look for the loo. I went to the Dataran car-park basement, the toilets were all locked. From a distance I saw there were mobile toilets near the Gombak River and gladly walk towards it and to my despair it was also locked. Damn! I started asking around including a policeman, and was directed to another Dataran basement, which to my disappointment was completely locked and smelled of urine! Finally, the Power Shoes sales booth personnel showed me the correct location to unleash the "warm-up" (10-min searching) session.

Sound System

The organizers have installed full concert-sized loudspeakers to keep the participants informed. No more lackluster loudhailer, which was hardly audible in KLIM. This is a major improvement! 10 km-ers were allowed into the barricade at 7 am but I choose to sit for a while because of my weak back and also to keep Mee Peng company.

I notice this time the barricade was somewhat, 250 meters behind the startup of KLIM which means it could be an additional 800 meters (Note: After the run, I estimated the distance is very likely >11kms, probably 11.4 kms).

7:15 am I entered the "Kandang Kerbau" and was looking for the CitiRunners (Jamie, Newton, CS and William). Found them and had a photo taken for the first time without the "wet look".

Over-Powered Run?

With the high-powered speakers, this time I could hear the countdown, 5....4...3...2...1...Bang! I immediately ran to the right side of the road to position myself for the video recording (can't blame an avid photographer!). I avoided running into a crowd and tried to find space between runners. I looked behind and saw Newton's distinctive yellow-striped singlet.

After the Bank Negara turn-off, I was slowing down at the Jln Ismail gradual uphill. Newton caught up with me and we had a short conversation. At last, I was having company! However, he had to slow down because of a muscle pull and told me to carry on. Just before the Tennis court, Newton was back and I was glad his muscle pull was nothing serious. I skipped the 100 Plus drinking station as since the 2km mark, I felt an urge to attend to nature's call (prostate gland enlargement?). There was an opportunity to do it at the Jln Duta road, as there was a nice high fence to go behind but choose not to (shy) and thought it was just another 30+ minutes to finish.

Tongkat Ali

In the midst of challenging the Duta hill, Newton and I begun to chat about the shapey and steady lady runners (take the mind off the hill). One of them was wearing an orange singlet with a "Tongkat Ali" advertisement. I wanted to use her as a marker since she had a very consistent and graceful pace. After trading leads, Newton and I overtook her. Newton pointed to me there is another nice yellow clad lady runner about 50 meters in front. We were at the steepest point of the hill. We ran up with full gusto to catch her but the moment we caught up with her, she accelerated away.

After the cat and mouse run, we were descending downhill and Newton advise me to take advantage of the potential gravitational force. Newton took the lead and I followed. As I increased the pace, I suddenly felt a pain on my upper right abdomen. I wanted to walk but it would be wasteful since it was a very steep downhill. I forced myself to continue running with the hope the pain would go away. By this time, the agile "Tongkat Ali" lady had passed me with smooth rhythmic strides. I had a thought if the pain worsened; I may not even finish within the qualifying time. Was I overzealous in attacking the Duta hill or was it simply lack of stamina? I think it was both.

Newton was running at a superb blistering pace. As the vision of him and the fabulous ladies fade away, I struggled to maintain speed. After 8 mins, as I was approaching the Duta Vista Condominium, thankfully, the pain was slowly easing away. Once again, the Parliament flyover was there to intimidate the runners. I ran non-stop to subdue the hill. At the Bukit Aman traffic lights, I looked at my stopwatch, it was 1:05+. Jamie told me to try 1:10. Was it possible with 5 odd minutes left? …… GO FOR IT!

I sprinted about 20 seconds, slowed down at the roundabout as cars were crossing the junctions and were abruptly stopped by the traffic policemen. The drivers must be furious!
I saw an old man in his 70s in full running attire running slowly but surely. I commented, "Uncle, you are looking good!" and gave him a thumbs-up. He responded with a smile and a wave. I continued my dash towards Jln Raja with all there was left of me and thought this was the grand finale but was caught unaware that there was another 500 meters to cover; to the end of Dataran and U-turn back to the Padang.

As I approached the serene green grass, I saw Jamie and Newton calling me with words of encouragement and Mee Peng was again at the side with the camera. Unlike KLIM, this time, there was an official to take down the finisher's bib number. I looked at my stopwatch; it was 1:12:56. Later, CS and William join us for the now traditional "CitiRunners".


I looked back at the race and figured doing 1:10 is an achievable target but to run it comfortably would require raising the human body endurance level. This cannot be attained overnight. It has to be nurtured. The body will try to adapt to better fitness standards, against the biological clock. I wonder where is the equilibrium? Food for thought.

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