Thursday, July 14, 2005

Fainting Report

This is the first time in 40 years I passed out. The person standing (?) who took my blood poked the needle, swerve the needle from left to right and said "macam mana ini....." I was relieved when it was all over. By that time, most of the Citibankers behind me have opted to be attended by the other medical personnel.

I then queued for the blood pressure test. Told Shila from Technology not to go for the person who took my blood. She acknowledged. While I was talking to her, in a split second I suddenly felt I was teleported to another place.

It was silent, as if you are in a dream or nightmare but could not get out of it. I was confused. There were dark images of people over me, like I was in a busy street with people walking above me. At one point I had a fear I was dying!

Later, when my hearing senses came back, I could hear my own deep breathing. I was struggling to regain my senses.

According to eyewitness, I was trembling and groaning. I collapsed like a deadwood hit my butt and my head. My butt is aching badly now.

James Edwin came over and joked my macho image gone already (didn't know I had one). The Dr. or nurse brought me a cup of milo. She asked me if I had a history of epilepsy (fits) and when I last ate. They said I looked so pale (like a corpse).

Later, I went over to HR lounge area to rest. Ganesh and Newton were so kind to keep me company. I wallop the breakfast Newton bought.

The experience, I believe is like when a person suffers from a stroke. My senses and limbs were completely disconnected from the brain> but yet I could see blurry images (eyes could not focus).

I hope it is a one off thing and not related to my tinnitus problem. Will drop by a GP later.

Thank you to my friends for being caring and concern of my well-being.